CrypTO is the Cryptography and Number Theory research group at the Politecnico di Torino, founded in 2018 by Danilo Bazzanella and Antonio Di Scala. It was established with funding from the Politecnico di Torino's distributed funding for research and co-financed by the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

The CrypTO group also includes researchers from other universities and private companies. The CrypTO Group is a local node of the Cybersecurity National Lab.

The group is involved in research, education, and technology transfer activities in the field of cryptography and blockchain applications, as well as theoretical research in mathematical areas closely related to cryptographic applications. To stay informed about all our activities (seminars, conferences, courses...), you can subscribe to our MAILING LIST.


21 Febbraio 2025

Discussione tesi di dottorato: Giuliano Romeo

Aula Buzano
Politecnico di Torino