22 giugno 2021

Seminario: "Coppersmith's Method: Solutions to Modular Polynomials" - Tea Boon Chian

Seminario della serie "CRITTOGRAFIA: dalla teoria alle applicazioni",  in collaborazione con Telsy SpA, azienda del gruppo TIM specializzata in cybersecurity.

"Coppersmith's Method: Solutions to Modular Polynomials"
Tea Boon Chian - Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Martedì 22 giugno 2021 - ore 14:30

Abstract: The Coppersmith’s method was introduced by Don Coppersmith in 1996, aiming to search “small” root(s) to polynomial equations. This heuristic method is vastly utilized in cryptography, especially in analysing the RSA-type cryptosystems, as well as lattice-based and multivariate cryptography. Although elegant, the Coppersmith’s method can be confusing to those who just started to learn it, particularly in constructing a basis lattice which enables one to use the LLL-reduction subsequently to find root(s) to polynomial equations. In this sharing session, the Coppersmith’s method is reviewed and discussed. The focus is primarily to demonstrate step-by-step with the aid of some examples on how to implement the method to construct a basis lattice for a given polynomial function. The session firstly considers the case of univariate polynomial, and next extended to bivariate/multivariate cases if time permits. Some applications related to the Coppersmith’s method are briefly outlined to conclude the sharing session.

Slides dell'evento: Le slides utilizzate durante il seminario possono essere scaricate qui application/pdf (1.44 MB).

Video dell'evento: La registrazione del seminario è disponibile sul Canale YouTube del gruppo CrypTO. Video

Published on: 10/06/2021