22 Marzo 2024

Seminario: "Knot-based Key Exchange Protocol" - Silvia Sconza

Seminario della serie "Seminari CrypTO", in collaborazione con Telsy SpA, centro di competenza in crittografia e cybersecurity del Gruppo TIM che opera nel perimetro di TIM Enterprise

"Knot-based Key Exchange Protocol"
Silvia Sconza
University of Zurich

Venerdì 22 Marzo 2024 - ore 14:30
Aula Buzano - Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche
Politecnico di Torino

Abstract: In the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange we are used to use a group action. In the Generalised Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange we substitute the group action with a semigroup action. In this talk, we propose a new protocol based on the latter, where the semigroup is the set of oriented knots with the connected sum operation. The action is just the trivial action of the semigroup on itself through the operation.  At the end, we make use of knot invariants to obtain the shared secret key from the same knot represented in two different ways. The security of the protocol is based on two hard problems in the knot semigroup: the Decomposition Problem and the Recognition Problem. The first asks to find the decomposition of a knot into prime knots and the second asks whether two given knots are in fact the same. This is a joint work with Arno Wildi.

Slides dell'evento: Le slide del seminario posso essere scaricate qui: Sconza application/pdf (709.86 kB)

Video dell'evento: La registrazione del seminario è disponibile sul Canale YouTube del gruppo CrypTO.


Published on: 26/02/2024