CrypTOgraphy Days
Schedule | Information
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16-17 May 2024
Auditorium Energy Center
Via Paolo Borsellino, 38 int. 16, Torino
Politecnico di Torino
This new series of conferences has a scientific nature and is primarily designed for those engaged in research in the field of cryptography. The goal is to provide an overview of research activities concerning cryptography and its applications, involving both Italian and foreign academic experts operating in the field. The event will be held in person only.
Participation in the conference is free but to better organize the event we ask you to register at the following link:
Invited Speakers:
Alessio Caminata |
Irene Giacomelli |
Aida Manzano Kharman |
Francesco Romeo |
Università di Genova |
FilOz - Protocol Labs Network |
Imperial College |
Università di Cassino |
Paolo Santini |
Edoardo Signorini |
Giovanni Tognolini |
Monika Trimoska |
Università Politecnica delle Marche |
Telsy SpA |
Università di Trento |
Eindhoven Univ. of Technology |
Organizers: Danilo Bazzanella, Giuseppe D'Alconzo, Antonio Di Scala, Andrea Gangemi, Guglielmo Morgari.
This event is endorsed by De Componendis Cifris