25 Settembre 2019

Seminario: "Key derivation function: an essential (and usually transparent) component of real-world applications" - Andrea Visconti

Seminario di De Cifris Augustae Taurinorum, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche "G.L. Lagrange" del Politecnico di Torino, il Dipartimento di Matematica "G. Peano" dell'Università degli Studi di Torino, Quadrans Foundation e Telsy SPA.

"Key derivation function: an essential (and usually transparent) component of real-world applications"
Andrea Visconti, Università di Milano 

Mercoledì 25 Settembre 2019
Dipartimento di Matematica "G. Peano"
Università di Torino, Via Carlo Alberto 10

Abstract: A key-derivation function (KDF) is a component of cryptographic systems used to provide passwords or more generally to obtain secret cryptographic keying material. Several applications use KDFs to derive one or more cryptographically strong secret keys, stretching keys into longer ones or getting keys of a required format. These functions are usually transparent to the users, who enjoy the benefits without being aware of how they are accomplished. In this talk will be (a) introduced the main ideas underlying the KDFs, (b) described a number of real-world applications in which KDFs are involved and (c) presented the current state of the art.

Slides dell'evento: Le slides utilizzate durante il seminario possono essere scaricate qui application/pdf (2,15 MB).

Pubblicato il: 25/09/2019